Friday, February 6, 2009

Pa an gwisel, and other notes to myself.

This particular entry is mainly for my own benefit, to remind myself to make some changes to the grammar later.

'To be' covers a lot of ground in English. Nevashi has a few different words for concepts that are covered by "be" in English, notably separate words for "to be located in a place" (e.g., as in "I am downtown.") and "to be in a given mood" (e.g., as in "I am happy.") Those are dev and vok, respectively.

"Pa an gwisel" would mean "I am cold." It uses an, which limited pretty strictly to connecting one noun with another in other circumstances, but here it is accompanied by the feeling/perceiving verb bit (pa) instead of the ordinary, default "be" one (ma).** This represents an extension of an to express the experience of physical sensations.

Also, this includes a new way of deriving adjectives from verbs (and probably nouns as well), using -el.
Gwis, "to freeze" > Gwisi, "frozen, icy"
...> Gwisel, "cold, freezing"

Pwen, v.,"to burn"; n., "fire" > Pweni, "burnt"
...> Pwenel, "hot, fiery, burning"

Also, I must remember to add numbers > 100 and new vocabulary.

Later this evening, I hope to write an entry outlining the differences between pa vok jeya vs. pa jeya vs. pa gan jeya. No promises though. 

(**As a bit of trivia, the distinction would disappear in the past tense, since both of those particular bits would become "ba"...)

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